Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Youth is Outta Control: but I ask you who's failing who???

There was no respect for youth when
I was young, and now that I am old,
there is no respect for my age
I missed it coming and going.
- J.B. Priestly
I came across this quote recently and it got me thinking. I always here adults talk about how the youth is outta control. How hip hop and video games are destroying the minds of our youth and if they are our future where will we be, etc etc etc... No need for me to recapped them all I'm sure you heard or have even spit out a few of these yourself recently.
When I was growing up, and got to that rebellious age, hanging in the park drinking a forty (Im dating myself cause we had quarts then fortys came a little later) getting high, getting girls, and hip hop was all I cared about. Actually spitting rhymes I actually cared about more cause I just wanted to be cool and be the dopest emcee I could. It was proven time after time outside being the star quarterback or having a wicked jump shot the emcees got all the girls. So I knew if my rhymes were tight, I could take out the any emcee I came accross in battles and rock the crowd, the females would come to me.
It was the older cats on the block who used to holla at me, about staying in school when it began to bore me and I traded Biology and Science for getting my rhymes tight and listening and studying Cold Crush Brothers tapes. Sure my dad was around, when my parents broke up I actually went to live with my dad during high school, cause mom didnt know what else to do with me. She thought what we was doin wasn't music just a lot of noise, and a college degree was the only thing that would keep me Paid In Full.
Sure my parents instilled all the right stuff in me in my early days but they broke up when I was 13, I was still running wild, and became a rebel without a cause. It was the older cats who got at me. I mean like all the other teens out there I wasn't tryna hear it. I told these old cats that were droppin knowledge on me from their experiences leave us alone and let us be old man. But you know what, even though I wasnt tryna here it, and we made fun of these cats when they left and went on to light up the next joint I did here everything that had to say. It was just psuhed to the back to retrieve like an old document on your PC once the right buttons were pushed.
So if its true that the youth is outta control right now, if its true they seem like they dont know right from wrong and can't tell what rappers who live at their gangsta fantasy from whats real. It's not necessarily the youth who are failing us, it is us who are failing the youth. You always hear about the old days when you stepped outta line, the older neighbors would straighten you out, tell you parents who would then in turn thank them and straighten you out again. Well how did we get to a point where the older generation is scared of the youth. When we start saying that kid down the block isnt my problem, Im raising my kids. Well if that kid who isnt your problem spends more time with your kid then you do, how isnt he or she your problem.
We have turned our back to them and leave them tryna figure things out on their own. The reason I personally am not dead or in jail today was because of these older cats we laughed at, that got at me outside of my dad and uncles. Like a few of my teachers, these older cats saw something in me and instead of turning their back they spent time talking to me. Tryna school me, telling me the harsh realities of the streets we found so attractive at the time. The problem was it was hard to hear what they had to say after the majority of the adults looked down on us, wrote us off as hopeless and basically consistantly complained about what we loved the most, hip hop the one thing that helped us get through the tough times and spoke directly to us and for us for that matter.
Now that we are the older cats, I ask you who is failing who. Kevin Powell recently wrote a book titled Who's Gonna Take The Weight dealing with just that. What's the deal, do we expect the youth to learn right from wrong and teach themselves. To learn what happens when they take certain causes of action. The problem is most do finally figure it out. They usually do figure it out on their own, but it usually while sitting in a cell, with years to think about their youthful indescretions. Or on in a hospital bed being told they may never walk again from a stray bullet to their spine meant for someone else. And unfortunately the cemetary is filled with too many others that didnt figure it out in time or at all.
We the older cats complain about the current lyrics in hip hop when that was what we used to scream to the world what we wanted them to know about us. We screamed Fuck The Police and Fight The Power in Virginia Beach when the cops decided they didnt want us in their town. The lyrics of that Kool G Rap, Rakim, KRS One, Public Enemy, NWA and many others spoke to us and for us. Painted pictures of the conditions in our cities that were usually just brushed under the carpet, from those outside our community that couldnt be bothered. Not to mention from those in our community that forgot where they came from and turn their back on us, that was much worst, cause they made it, looked like us and we looked up to them, but felt they were better than us. The music has always been rebellious where we said if you solve the problems that are the causes of these attitudes we felt and developed instead on putting us down, things would be much better. We were screaming for help from our elders. The lyrics predicted the future situations that would erupt if we werent taken serious like the riots in LA. Something had to give, and we were screaming for help.
Its the same today, if we pay more attention to the lyrics of the TI's and Young Jeezy's of today we may be able to prevent similar situations from going down in the future. Pay more attention and you may be able to figure out what is in their head. Maybe even replace the hopelessness they are feeling with some hope.
I will say this though, there are too many that don't live it and spit it only cause some A&R working for a major label owned by a major corporation sold them dreams of getting paid if you spit it like 50 Cent or whoever is the hardest chart topping/ multi-platinum artist making the most noise that year.
For you adults who are displeased with the lyrics being played on the radio and shown all day on the popular national video shows whose play list come from your kids voting for them online and over the phone. Call these stations music and program directors and if they dont listen to what you have to say, you listen to the station all day write down they names of all their advertizers. Call teh advertizers and tell them you will not buy their products if they continue to support these stations and that promote these kind of lyrics and images to our youth. Or look at what has worked, get a copy of the shareholders of these corporations who own these major labels and radio stations and send them printed out copies of the lyrics to these songs, (which you can find online by doin a search). Threaten these corporation who make they living off our communities and who care more about the bottomline then what these songs and images are doin to our kids when they are forcefed this all day everyday.
This worked years ago when lyrics were sent to shareholders of Warner Brothers of Ice T's rock group's song Cop Killer. This cause many artists to be dropped from all of the corporation's record companies like Tommy Boy and every other label in the Warner family. It even spilled out to some of the other lablels as well.

Not saying you have to do these things but use this as a template to come up with your own ideas and plans of action. but the thing is do something or stop complaining. There is a saying if you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. Sitting on the sideline and complaining won't solve the problem. But don't stop there, it is equally important that if you tell the kids to just SAY NO to these lyrics they need to know what to say yes too. If you only punish a kid for everything he does wrong and never reward them for what they do right, you will never get anywhere. Think about when you were a teen. Also get involved and help the associations that are actually doing good things in your community and if none of them exist in your community in your area, start your own. Find out what's working in other areas and implement it in yours. The cutting of the arts programs like music and art classes in school and the lack of positive activies for the youth to get involved in, not to mantion the cutting of scholastic budgets nationwide (even more so in the schools in our communities) leaves them just these records and movies they that feel speak to them. They feel it cause they can relate to it.
This is very important we need to speak to the youth and not down to them.
I can go on for ever, but I will end it here for now.
The older generation (the older cats we become) we need to ask ourselves: Who is really failing who? Are you part of the problem or the solution?
I would really like to hear everyone comments on this, please feel free to post your thoughts and suggestions good or bad
And remember we expect the youth to respect us, but we must also respect them. respect is something that is earned not supose to be given to you because you are the older generation.


Anonymous said...

Ayyyy Aj,
this piece is right on time. We have to praise our youth for all the good things that they do - simultaneously we have to be role models doing good things so that they can follow. There's a lot of heat behind this editorial. God is using you - keep spreading the word!

Tachelle "Shamash' Wilkes

Anonymous said...

my brother

don't know why you havent posted in awhile but let me say, this was worth the wait.
please continue to drop it like it's hot
I like how you showed both sides

can't wait to read your next post

Ra Boogie
hip hop head 4 life

Anonymous said...

Aiight AJ, now as time goes on people, situations and life changes and what was once something to glorify is now shunned. The youth of today is exposed to a variety of things that when we were coming up we were never really exposed to unless of course we made it our business to see what it was all about. It falls on both sides as to who's failing who. Back in the day and I'm sure we can all relate to this if a neighbour saw you doing something they would get at you like you was they own child and in some cases bust yo ass then tell your mother who in turn would then say wait til your father gets home who would then take a piece out of your ass as well. But times have changed and no longer is it acceptable to hit your kids because of all the laws and the abuse that kids are subjected to today but back then it was the fear of getting your ass broke that kept a lot of us in check and some of the dumb shit we did back then can't compare to what these kids today are doing. Guns were something that we only knew about by playing cops and robbers or cowboys and indians but being that guns are so readily and easily accesible to the youth of today, that same cat who would try to school you back then won't even look at you now because he doesn't want to get shot. It's a sad state that were in where even some parents are scared to talk to their own kids. Mind you, not all of them are like this, some of them are more conscience of what they are doing and realize that their actions have consequences to follow whereas the rest of them treat life as a joke because of probably their life situation and realize that there is no hope for them. They see these rappers who glorify that street life and they try to emulate that but that's just a rappers imagination as a studio gangsta in order to sell records. They need to learn what's truth and what's fiction. Everyone caused a stink when Bill Cosby spoke the truth but was he wrong? If you can honestly say that what he said was wrong and if you don't know someone or a situation like that from around your way then it's too late.

Anonymous said...

AJ WOODSON hits a home run on his timely message to the youth and the elders. Without placing blame and viewing the subject matter from an analytical standpoint we come to understand the meaning of community development. As a writer you are saving our youth from the perils of sin, I hope all readers are inspired to help the youth maximize their full potential.

AJ WOODSON said...

Thank you all for the feedback
thats what I want to hear from everyone
The person who didnt leave a name feel free to holla at me via email

everyone else keep the comments comin and tell a friend to tell a friend

Anonymous said...

AJ, as always an interesting read indeed

Anonymous said...

Whats good? I just read your article the youth is outta control, since we are around the same age I can relate to the items in your piece, the forty's that were quarts first, the fact that the old kats used to holla at us telling us not to end up like them. In my case these cats were the kings of the projects but thats all and when I became older these kats were burnt out, the youth of today diss these old kats all day everyday. The lack of
an after school activities. If you are not blinging pushing that fat whip these youth cats ain't hearing you. I liked the piece keep doing your thing.
Larry Puma

AJ WOODSON said...

thanx, Tachelle, Rahiem, DJ Gary B, Larry P, Ra and everyone else for the feedback
and thanx to the madd heads who hit me on the email of 2way

I will share another rant with ya real soon

keep those comments coming
and feel free to suggest other topics you like to see me speak on

have a blessed day!!!

Anonymous said...

we need to blame the big company execs which stats show are older white folks and a few african americans,there the ones that make the decisions on what,s to be aired on the radio and what videos are to be showed on tv,if the youths are being led astray and bamboozled by their elders,,,,,,sumbody needs to do sumthin about it. there,s a bigger picture that alot of people don,t see,,,,,,,,,,,,,we need to start opening our eyes,,,,CUZ IT,S A CONSPIRACY,THEY DO EXIST

chase said...

it is a conspiracy kiddos....that is the honest truth. I've already said that Kanye will be lucky if his butt isnt dead after putting Bush on front street like that...drug overdose, suicide, car crash,,,but we'll know what really happened. AJ you made some valid points about what people can do, and contacting advertisers and board members is a great step. We need to put together a coalition. I'm serious. I was listening to Star last wek and he said "nut on b*tches faces" on the RADIO...i almost crashed my car, I know he's know to be controversial, but somehow it's not funny anymore. :(

AJ WOODSON said...

for the feedback, emails and calls
keep em coming