Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Yesterday I did a news brief on Atlanta Urban Mix titled Security Warning Raised Over 'ATL' Film: Malls Warned To Beef Up Security about how Security directors for General Growth properties, the company which owns 200 malls including local malls Cumberland and Perimeter, sent a memo warning staff at its properties showing the film to “prepare” for its release on Friday, March 30th stating: "The movie could cause behavior problems among customers.” In other words we don’t know how to act.

All day long as I heard more reports on this and then last night at the premier of the movie at the Regal Atlantic Station I stated to think. I may be new to Atlanta (goin on 3 years) and I may have a lot to still learn about how they do things here in Da ATL but I do know the effects of the establishment preparing for the worst. Even up top in New York they come to function and events with attitudes and instead of be a deterrent as they are paid to do, they are actually responsible for kicking things up a notch. Now I will be the first to admit some of my brothers and sistahs don’t know how to act, but they are usually the minority. Sometimes even when we are on our best behavior they attitudes of security and the police cause us to react.

What I would like to say to all those goin to see ATL this weekend, especially those in Da ATL be on your best behavior. You will probably be met with attitudes from security guards who have been amped up by their superiors that you will be outta control. The memo read: "On March 31, the movie 'ATL' will be released in theaters. A theater manager at one of our properties has alerted the mall team that this movie could cause potential behavior problems. The movie trailer indicates that themes in the movie include moral choices and narcotics trafficking ... Please appropriately prepare your security staffs for the release of this movie."

Which mean get ready for shit to go down. Now you need to know they expect you to get outta control and instead of proving them right and living up to the stereotypes, this weekend when you go see the movie be on your best behavior. Then when the movie is over vacate the premises and don’t hang around outside. Not saying all of the guards will be this way but know there will be some over zealous security guards and police officers for that matter, just waiting for you to act up. Just looking for a reason. Folks that don’t look like us or understand us. So lets prove them wrong.

With that said I did see the movie last night (Tues, March 29th) and the flick is about family, boys comin’ of age and relationships. Yes it takes place in the hood, Big Boi plays a drug dealer, and there is implied violence (you really don’t see it but you know it went down), but it’s not the threat, security directors are making it out to be.

Now to the security guards and police officers, who look like us, don’t believe the hype. These kids are our younger brothers, sistahs, nephews, nieces and while you should be a deterrent, by all means do your job, be alert but lets not just look for trouble where there is none. The world (those outside our community are watching to see what’s gonna happen this weekend)

Lets go out this weekend and support this movie especially in Atlanta, show Hollywood we do support movies about us and we despite the memo, we do know how to conduct ourselves.

Please post this on your message boards, and online sits and blogs, all my industry people forward it to your people, radio personalities discuss this on the air. We have a responsibility to send our youth out with the right attitude so they come home safely…

I welcome all comments and dialog, please leave your feedback. Anyone wanting to contact me, leave me a comment on my blog

Also check later for my review of the movie
Have a blessed day!
professional hip hop junkie


Reel Fanatic said...

Sad, sad, sad ... I too hope people can act right .. down here in Mactown, they've only added one security dude at the local multiplex .. it looks kinda tame to me, but I'm gonna see it today anyway

Anonymous said...

Good day to you....

I recently had a chance to read your article and I was amazed as the intent they used with that memo. Obliviously, they
(the corporate or white) don't have the slightist connections to the real people who go and view these movies. They are using a racist and unwanted tactic to down grade a movie that shows the life styles and choices of some of the youth today, who not only go to school but have to deal with the outside world in relationship to drugs, peer preasure, loss of parents, etc.

I wonder if someone was to ever get killed while attending a damn terminator or mission impossible movie, would they be so quick to send out memo's or let alone criticize the movie, actors, actresses, and pay roller in the manner as this.


AJ WOODSON said...

True E.H.
Better yet they don't send these memo in reference to the many white coming of age movies. The producers of ATL should be commended for his portrayal black urban youth who are treated with dignity and affection, which is far from the norn. ATL is a respectable and enjoyable film and more importantly worth the price of adnmission.
Those who haven't seen it need to go out and support it and don't forget to check your ticket stub...